All sites listed here talk about issues related to those on this blog: bras and clothes for the large bust. All are fabulous. All links open in a new window. I try to update this list as often as possible.
Please let me know if I am missing someone! I love discovering new blogs and people :)
Resources & Communities
A Bra That Fits - Reddit Community
Big Boob Problems - Another Reddit Community
Braless In Brasil
Bras and Body Image
Bras I Hate
Broods Big Bras
Busts 4 Justice
Curvy Wordy
Drueber & drunter
Fuller Figure Fuller Bust
Invest In Your Chest
Les Gros Bonnets
Miss Underpinnings
Quest For The Perfect Bra
Sophia Jenner
Thin and Curvy
Underdressed to Impress
Hilarious and Insightful Observations on Boobs
Boobs Don't Work That Way
Busty Girl Comics - a personal favorite